Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Orange Training Log Tales: Wednesday

On Wednesday, when we were starting to feel the workload, our coach told us this story:

Owl and Spider Go To Dinner

On Wednesday, Owl went to Spider’s for dinner. He decided to arrive early, to see if he could help. When he got there, though, Spider wasn’t making dinner, he had just started weaving a web. 
“Hey Spider!” Owl called, “Why are you making a web right now?”
“Hey Owl!” Spider called back, “I have to make a web every day.”

“Oh, okay,” Owl said, and sat down on a branch. He watched Spider spindle and toil, spindle and toil. It looked like an awful lot of work to do by oneself. 
“Hey Spider!” Owl called, “Can I help with that?”
Spider giggled, “I don’t think so.”
“Oh, okay,” Owl said, and stayed put. He kept watching Spider spindle and toil, spindle and toil. He watched him weave the strands into tight, intricate patterns. It seemed to take a very long time. 
“Hey Spider,” Owl called, “Do you have to make it so complicated?”
“Yup,” Spider responded.

“Oh, ok,” Owl said, still confused. He sat and watched Spider spindle and toil, spindle and toil. Hist stomach began to growl. 
“Hey Spider,” Owl called, fluttering over to the web, annoyed, “I thought we were going to eat dinner!”
“Listen,” Spider said. “I have to make the web right now, it’s how I’m going to catch our dinner. You can’t help me because your big feathery wings are great for flying but terrible for weaving. And I have to make it this complicated or else dinner would just fly right through without getting caught. We are going to eat a magnificent feast, but we are going to take the time and do it right.”
“Oh, ok,” Owl said, sat back on the branch. He reflected on patience and discipline, and how lucky he was to have such a wise, crafty friend as Spider. 

(Spider would never admit it, but he could have started the web a lot earlier in the day-- he had just stayed up late the night before with wolf trading jokes and stories and probably a drink or two. And he didn’t have to make the web so complicated, he just believe that if you were going to sit in something all day you might as well make it look good. Spider may have been crafty and wise but he was also a little vain.) 


  1. I’ve read all three “parables” so far. I am a lover of running, story and illustration. Your work hits the spot and inspires me to precede on my slow turtle-paced trot into the horizon. Happy Holidays.

    1. Hey thanks so much, I'm glad to help any way I can. I'll keep telling em if you keep reading em!
